Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Transfer Week

This week went by really fast. We had Zone Conference and Transfer calls. My companion is leaving me to go up north to be the Zone Leader. I am getting a new companion who is currently the Zone Leader of another Zone. Our two zones are combining. So its going to be an interesting transfer figuring out this zone merge.

Also Update on Joseph, his mom says he can be baptised, but in a year. He loves church tho, and he even participates in the Young Men's class. He is awesome and I am pretty sure he will serve a mission. He turns 18 in August.

This week we have been trying to make sure the new missionaries know all of our investigators that are in different wards now because of the boundary changes. But we did find someone I have been looking for since I left Coffs Harbour. One of the members has a friend who lives in my area and they told me to go so I can take the little boy to church. It was cool to find them. I slowly realised that they were the people I had been referred to (because we were just doing door knocking.) We got "lucky" that we found out who they were.

Thats all from the week. Love you heaps!

Rainy Week

Hey everyone. This week was pretty good. It rained a lot. We have mostly been trying to work with the people that we are working with already and that is taking most of our time (dont worry we still have time to do door knocking though) Joseph is still on date for the 7th of April. The Member we have fellow shipping him goes to school with him. She told us that while they were in the computer lab he heard him teaching his friend about the Plan of Salvation. That was the week after we taught it to him. Only one problem, his mom is opposed to him getting baptized. So our goal for this week is to get her to sign the permission form!

Other than that we dont really have much. The ward boundaries changed so the other two of our investigators who were going to get baptized are in a different ward with different missionaries now. So that was a bit sad, but its all good. Now my companion and I are working on making sure everyone knows where their new areas are and who they are supposed to be working with. Big job. Its pretty fun tho. 

But I had a lot of fun in the rain. I have a great Companion. He is a really good missionary. It is fun to work with him. We have taught the restoration together more than I have before in my whole mission put together. Its really good.

Love you heaps. Hope you have a great week

Friday, March 16, 2018

Elder Mitchell's Week

This week was pretty good, at least it ended really good. We met last week at the Book of Mormon Pop up stand a kid named Joseph. We got his phone number and told him we would schedule a time when we could meet up. So we texted him and set up a time for him to come to the church. He came and we taught him about Joseph Smith and the Restoration and he was soaking it all it. He seems really excited to learn more. It was a good lesson.

We also went to a christening of a New baby in an African Community church. It was really fun! they sing and dance and shout hallelujah. The parents told us we were there special guests. (it was at their house) (also they are our new investigators). So that was cool. Elder Moneiro and I are learning to teach together really well. Its fun working with him. 

The rest of the week was filled with finding and tradeoffs. I went on Tradeoffs with Elder Sibbett and it was really fun! its cool to see how both of us have become better missionaries over the past few months. Hes is really good. I also went on Tradeoffs with An Elder Usua from Vanuatu. He is a convert like my companion and came on his mission after 1 year of being a member. He talks to EVERYONE we see. It was really fun to work with him as well. This week we have a combined mission conference with the south mission. So I will get to see Juni Paongo. I am excited to see him! We will hear from Elder Clayton, the senior pres of the seventy. I am excited to meet him. There are going to be around 300 missionaries there so I don't know if Ill get to shake his hand, but I hope so. 

Thats all from the week. Love you heaps and hope you have a good week too.

Book of Mormon Pop Up

This week was really good. We found 5 new investigators! One of them is named Dee and she is from California. We met her on the street as we were on the way to see somebody from Brazil! So we told her what we were doing and she said she was just wasting time anyways so we offered to walk her home and tell her about the Restoration. She accepted and we did that. She understood it really well and promised to read in the Book of Mormon, 3 Ne 11. Well we went back on Thursday and she hadn't read it. So we read it with her and she really liked it! So we committed her to read from the beginning. That night we got a text from a random number asking us if they could highlight things in the book we gave them. We had no idea who it was so we called. It was Dee! she was reading the Book of Mormon and wanted to highlight stuff because it was so good! So we have to follow up with her sometime this week!

Also this week we had the Book of Mormon Pop up stand. Its just a big rectangle advertisement for the Book of Mormon. We set it up somewhere and then try to talk to everyone that walks past. Its pretty fun! We had a lot of people interested to learn more about the Book of Mormon from that. But they were all from outside of our area. It was fun tho! 

Thats all I can think of for this week! Love you hope you have a good week!

Elder Mitchell

The Week goes a little something like this:

Sorry not much time this week.

Just a quick update: We met with Kris this week and taught him the Restoration. He thought it all made sense and when we asked him to be baptized, he said, "well that would be the next step wouldn't it" He seems like he has been prepared to recieve the gospel. Hopefully He can continue to progress. 

My comp is pretty cool. We are very different from each other, but it is really fun to work with him. I hope you have a good week. Sorry for the short one, love you heaps!

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Malo Soifua

Malo soifua family! (thats samoan)

This week was really good. I just want to tell you about one thing. We had a District Challenge this week where we had to talk to people and count how many Tracts we give out, and how many return appointments we get, and how many songs we sing to people (scary I know, I actually sang to people. Don't worry, nobody's ears started bleeding)

So while we were doing this we had a few miracles happen.
#1 We met a man named Chris who is from Pennsylvania. We taught him about the Book of Mormon and he was pretty excited about it. We are going to teach him the restoration on Thursday. The Miracle is that he is from America haha, but he is the nicest guy. 
#2 We knocked on a door and the guy came out to Bible Bash. He has heaps of questions perfectly phrased to throw us off. Lucky for us I had met a man a few days before who roasted me for not carrying the Holy Bible, only the Book of Mormon. He asked me why I was ashamed to carry the Bible. Anyways after talking to that man I decided I would take my bible with me every where I go (its with me now just in case you wanted to ask) So when this guy came out to bible bash I just opened my bible and invited him to show me what he was talking about. anyways his heart was softened and we answered a few of his questions with scriptures from the bible. Long story short (and it was a very long story, this guy had heaps of questions) we set up a return appointment for Thursday because he wants to do some studies on his own. Hopefully his heart stays soft and we can teach him why we needed a restoration. 
#3 We met Mike. He is a less active who we didn't know lived there (it was funny we started to teach him the plan of salvation when he opened the door and he stopped us by saying "I know.... I am a Member. Do you guys wanna come in?" So we found out that Heavenly Father had sent us to him. His Daughter just was admitted to the hospital the night before. we talked about Heavenly Father reaching out to him and he told us that is seems like every time a big trial comes up in his life, he receives a mysterious visit from the Missionaries. Anyways we committed him to read the Book of Mormon everyday so that he can have the power that the Book of Mormon brings in his life, and then he committed himself to come to church. 

in all we found 5 new investigators during the 4 hours the challenge took place. It was a great day. Oh, about singing to people... Elder Tusa taught me to sing I am a Child of God in Samoan, so that is what we sing when people say we can. This lady opens the door and immediately says shes not interested. Elder Tusa asks if there is anything we can do for her and she says no. The he says "are you sure you dont want us to sing for you" to which she replied that we can sing for her. So we sang it and then she asked for the translation. We sang it again (in english this time) and she said it was a beautiful song and asked us to write the words down for her. So even tho we didn't get to teach her anything, we still got to share the gospel with her in some small way. It was really awesome. 

Thats all for this week. Love you heaps hope this week is the best one yet. Alofa ia oe

Elder Mitchell
